Join us in person at St. Columba's in Port Hardy for a Lenten bible study facilitated by Rev. Bob Gilbert. The 5 week study will feature a talk by renowned theologian John Dominic Crossan "Paul the Pharisee: Faith and Politics in a Divided World." After viewing the video (about 1 hour) there will be time for discussion.
Some information on the study: This course examines the Apostle Paul as a Pharisee deeply engaged with the turbulent political and religious landscape of his time. Through the lens of his letters and historical context, we will explore Paul’s understanding of Jesus’ Life-Vision, his interpretation of the Execution-and-Resurrection, and their implications for nonviolence and faithful resistance against empire. Each week, we will delve into a specific aspect of Paul’s theology and legacy, reflecting on its relevance for our own age of autocracy and political turmoil.
If you are unable to attend, you may be interested to subscribe to the course and participate at home. To register go to the following link: Paul the Pharisee. Note:Rev. Bob has already paid for small group access.