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On September 25th, the legislation we have all been working for, Bill C-223 An Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income was presented for second reading in the House of Commons and, unfortunately, it was defeated. You can find the voting breakdown here.  

The good news is that Senator Kim Pate’s Bill S-233, an identical piece of legislation to Leah’s Bill C-223, is still before the Senate. If this bill passes through the Senate, the House of Commons will have a chance to consider it again. Let's not forget that we all have a role to play in the ministry of working to bring these anti-poverty measures to reality. We have the power to eradicate poverty in Canada, and working together is the best way to make that happen.

We are soon to face a provincial election, this work can be done at the municipal, provincial and national levels. Should you wish to engage with the candidates in your area on GLI work, you may find some background information on the party platforms here

You can find more information about Guaranteed Livable Income in Canada at the following links:

Basic Income Network Canada

Basic Income Youth Collective

UBI Works