Lent 1
United Church Communion
March 9, 2025
Worship leader: Rev. Bob Gilbert
Mission Statement
As followers of Jesus Christ, our church is a community called to love, honour, worship, and serve God. We invite others to share our Christian journey as we grow in faith and engage in ministry in our town and mission in our world.
9190 Granville Street
PO Box 1260, Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Office Phone: 250-949-6247
Ministers: Rev. Sheila Cook
and Rev. Bob Gilbert (250) 686-5695
Wardens: Robert Fyles and Heather Jones
Treasurer: Judy Fyles
Music Ministry: Roldan Yuipco
Video: Ammie Yuipco
Community Partner: Cathie Wilson
~ Leader: regular font
~ All: bold font
~ Sung words: bold italics
~ Asterisk* stand as you are able
Welcome and Announcements
Land Acknowledgement
Call To Worship
We come to church today,
as faithful disciples, following Jesus.
We come to church today, carrying burdens, whether visible or invisible,
seeking comfort, seeking grace, seeking community.
We come to church today, knowing that our hope lies in the merciful love of God, the salvation of Jesus Christ and the mighty power of the Holy Spirit,
and so, we come, we connect, and we worship.
*Hymn: VU 410 This Day God Gives Me
This day, God gives me
strength of high heaven,
Sun and moon shining,
flame in my hearth,
flashing of lightning,
wind in its swiftness,
deeps of the ocean,
firmness of earth.
This day, God sends me
strength to sustain me,
might to uphold me,
wisdom as guide.
Your eyes are watchful,
your ears are listening,
your lips are speaking,
Friend at my side.
God's way is my way,
God's shield is round me,
God's host defends me,
saving from ill.
Angels of heaven,
drive from me always
All that would harm me,
stand by me still.
Rising, I thank you,
mighty and strong One,
King of creation,
giver of rest,
firmly confessing
Threeness of Persons,
Oneness of Godhead,
Trinity blessed.
Opening Prayer
Lead us into the Season of Lent, O God.
Help us to reflect on the areas of our lives that call for change.
Go with us into this Season of Lent, O God.
Strengthen us, as we join our talents with the talents of our faith community.
Guide us as we begin the Season of Lent, O God.
Link us to the story of Jesus, that we may learn and find courage through his willingness to brave the toughest trials.
Challenge us as we encounter the significance of the Season of Lent, O God,
that we may confront and overcome the powers that oppress, weaken, and destroy. Amen.
Lenten Candle Liturgy
Lent 1 – The Candle of Hope
(Six candles plus the Christ candle are lit.)
On the first Sunday of Advent, we lit a candle to represent our hopes for a better world. We rest in the glow of that candle now.
(several seconds of silence)
As we reflect upon the uncertainty of the times we are a part of right now, we acknowledge how hard it is to remain hopeful that anything can get better, that anything will change, that the tomorrow we long for is even possible, let alone attainable.
As we gaze upon this candle representing hope, we feel as if we are trying to keep that small flame alive in the midst of drenching rains and forceful winds, becoming more and more exhausted in the midst of the relentless storms of our lives and our world.
As the shadows of Lent come closer, we extinguish our candle of hope, just for now, as we seek to reconnect with whatever it is that keeps us going, keeps us coming back, keeps us grounded in the faith that makes us who we are.
Hymn VU 108 Throughout these Lenten Days and Nights verse 1
Throughout these Lenten days and nights
we turn to walk the inward way,
where, meeting Christ, our guide and light,
we live in hope till Easter Day.
Words: James Gertmenian
Hutlilala’s! Listen deeply as Scripture is proclaimed.
Prayer of Illumination
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Psalm 91 VU 808 On Eagle’s Wings
You who dwell in the shelter of our God,
who abide in this shadow for life,
say to the Lord: "My refuge,
my rock in whom I trust!"
“And I will raise you up on eagle's wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun,
and hold you in the palm of my hand.”
The snare of the fowler will never capture you,
and famine will bring you no fear;
under God’s wings your refuge,
God’s faithfulness your shield.
“And I will raise you up on eagle's wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun,
and hold you in the palm of my hand.”
You need not fear the terror of the night,
nor the arrow that flies by day;
though thousands fall about you,
near you it shall not come.
“And I will raise you up on eagle's wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun,
and hold you in the palm of my hand.”
For to God’s angels is given a command
to guard you in all of your ways;
upon their hands they will bear you up,
lest you dash your foot against a stone.
“And I will raise you up on eagle's wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun,
and hold you in the palm of my hand.”
And hold you, hold you in the palm of my hand.
Words and music: Michael Joncas
Romans 10:8b-13
The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
*Hymn: VU 115 Jesus, Tempted in the Desert
Jesus, tempted in the desert,
lonely, hungry, filled with dread:
“Use your power,” the tempter tells him;
“turn these barren rocks to bread!”
“Not alone by bread,” he answers,
“can the human heart be filled.
Only by the Word that calls us
is our deepest hunger stilled!”
Jesus, tempted, at the temple,
high above its ancient wall:
“Throw yourself from lofty turret;
angels wait to break you fall!”
Jesus shuns such empty marvels,
feats that fickle crowds request:
“God, whose grace protects, preserves us,
we must never vainly test.”
Jesus, tempted on the mountain
by the lure of vast domain:
“Fall before me! Be my servant!
Glory, fame, you're sure to gain!”
Jesus sees the dazzling vision,
turns his eyes another way:
“God alone deserves our homage!
God alone will I obey!”
When we face temptation's power,
lonely, struggling, filled with dread,
Christ, who knew the tempter's hour,
come and be our living bread.
By your grace, protect, preserve us
lest we fall, your trust betray.
Yours, above all other voices,
be the Word we hear, obey.
Words: Herman Stuempfle
*The Gospel
The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke.
Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Luke 4:1-13
This is the gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Praise to you, O Christ.
Prayer of Confession
God of exodus and wilderness, God of refuge and help, hear us now as we make our confession to you.
In times of temptation, we forget what you have done for us. You give us everything we need, yet we often remain unsatisfied.
You trust us to care for creation, yet we often abuse that trust and spoil what we have been given.
You show us the way we are to follow, yet we often continue on the path of self-indulgence and self-centredness. Forgive us, we pray.
We ask for your direction, your patience, your love;
in the name of Jesus Christ, who, in spite of his temptations, was faithful to your saving Word. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
Prayers of the People
Prayer leader: Lord, in your mercy.
Response: Hear our prayer.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil, for the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.
The Peace
The peace of Christ be always with you.
And also with you.
(We share a sign of peace with one another)
Invitation to the Offering
*Hymn: VU 477 I Come with Joy
I come with joy, a child of God,
forgiven, loved, and free,
the life of Jesus to recall,
in love laid down for me,
in love laid down for me.
I come with Christians far and near
to find, as all are fed,
the new community of love
in Christ's communion bread,
in Christ's communion bread.
As Christ breaks bread and bids us share,
each proud division ends.
The love that made us makes us one,
and strangers now are friends,
and strangers now are friends.
The spirit of the risen Christ,
unseen, but ever near,
is in such friendship better known:
alive among us here,
alive among us here.
Together met, together bound,
by all that God has done,
we'll go with joy, to give the world,
the love that makes us one,
the love that makes us one.
Words: Brian Wren
*Offertory Response: MV 191 What Can I Do?
What can I do? What can I bring?
What can I say? What can I sing?
I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer
I’ll bring my love, I’ll do my share.
*Prayer over the Gifts
The Great Thanksgiving
God be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift up our hearts in prayer.
Let us give thanks to God.
It is right to give God thanks and praise.
We are right to praise you, faithful God! ...
...We, too, declare your wonder and grace as with angels and saints we say:
Holy, holy, holy are you, God of power and might; heaven and earth are filled with your glory. Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is the one who comes in your name. Hosanna in the highest!
Now, O God, we remember Jesus. ...
...By remembering Jesus in this way now, we claim our common heritage as we proclaim the mystery of faith:
Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.
Holy Spirit come! Make all things new. ...
...Through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory is yours, God most holy, now and forever. Amen.
Sharing the Bread and the Cup
Prayer after Communion
*Hymn: MV 65 When We Are Tested
When we are tested and wrestle alone,
famished for bread when the world offers stone,
nourish us, God, by your word and your way,
food that sustains us by night and by day.
When in the desert, we cry for relief,
pleading for paths marked by certain belief,
lift us to love you beyond sign and test,
trusting your presence, our only true rest.
When we are tempted to barter our souls,
trading the truth for the pow’r to control,
teach us to worship and praise only you,
seeking your will in the work that we do.
When we have struggled and searched through the night,
sorting and sifting the wrong from the right,
Saviour, surround us with circles of care,
angels of healing, of hope, and of prayer.
Words: Ruth Duck
Commissioning and Benediction
Go forth, led into the wilderness by the Spirit.
We go knowing that God goes with us to comfort and sustain us.
Go forth resisting the temptations of the world, being filled with the wisdom of God
We go trusting in God’s goodness and following the Way of Christ.
Remember you are God’s beloved. The Holy Spirit lives in you. Christ’s compassion shines forth in what you do. Live as those who know and have experienced God’s goodness. Go forth with the blessing of God: Creator, Christ, and Spirit.
*Three-fold Amen
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Thanks be to God! Gilakas’la!
- Coffee following the service!
- Canned and dried food are always appreciated
- Mission Focus: Camp Spirit
- March 14 Church Council 10 AM
- March 14 World Day of Prayer 7 PM
- March 15 deadline for tribute donations in June Broadview
- April 1 deadline to order 100th anniversary commemorative edition of Broadview March 18: 2:00 Join us in person at St. Columba's in Port Hardy for a Lenten bible study facilitated by Rev. Bob Gilbert. The 5 week study will feature a talk by renowned theologian John Dominic Crossan "Paul the Pharisee: Faith and Politics in a Divided World." After viewing the video (about 1 hour) there will be time for discussion.
Liturgical Resources:
Call to Worship; Prayer of Illumination; Prayer over the Gifts; from ‘Gathering’ L/E 2025, p. 30, 35, 36
Lenten Candle Liturgy from Gathering, L/E 2025, p. 68-69
Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon; Invitation to the Offering; from Celebrating God’s Presence, a UCC resource
Prayers of the People adapted from Presbyterian Church in Canada Worship Resource, 2025.
Invitation to Communion from ‘Eat Pray Love Liturgy’ by Rev. Ruth - Wordpress
Communion Liturgy from a resource in ‘Sicut Locutus Est’ 2013/02/07
Prayer after Communion from The Church of England Worship Resources
Sermon Resources:
“A Wilderness Sojourner” by Jonathan R. Almond in Pulpit Digest, March/April 1996, pp. 54-57. Editor: David Albert Farmer. Logos Productions Inc. Inver Grove Heights, MN.
“Exegetical Perspective” by Sharon H. Ringe in Feasting on the Word, Year C, Volume 2, pp. 47-48. Editors: David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor. Westminster John Knox Press. Louisville, Kentucky. 2009.
Music copyright:
Words for hymns reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 or CCLI License # 11033010. All rights reserved.
Voices United 410 This Day God Gives Me Words: attrib. St. Patrick; adaptation James Quinn, SJ 1969; Music: Gaelic melody; harmony Alec Wyton. Words © 1969 James Quinn, SJ. Used by permission of Selah Publishing Co, Inc (now by OCP). Music: Public domain. Harmony from The Hymnal 1982 © The Church Pension Fund. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 words (#80507) harmony (#05176). All rights reserved.
Voices United 108 Throughout These Lenten Days and Nights Words: James Gertmenian; Music: Musikalisches Handbuch, Hamburg 1690; arr. W. H. Havergal 1864. Words copyright © 1993 Hope Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 (#12108). All rights reserved.
Voices United 808 Psalm 91 On Eagle’s Wings Words and music: Michael Joncas, 1979. Words and music Michael Joncas. Copyright © 1979, 1991 New Dawn Music, administered by Oregon Catholic Press. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 (#80468). All rights reserved.
Voices United 115 Jesus, Tempted in the Desert Words: Herman Stuempfle, 1990 Music: The Sacred Harp, Philadelphia 1844; harmony Ronald A. Nelson, 1978, altered. Words copyright © 1993 G.I.A. Publications, Inc. Harmony copyright © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, reprinted by permission of Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 words (#09669) harmony (#13124). All rights reserved.
Voices United 477 I Come with Joy Words: Brian Wren, 1968, rev. 1993; Music: American folk tune from William Walker’s Southern Harmony 1835; arrangement Austin C. Lovelace, 1977. Words copyright © 1971, rev. 1995 and arrangement copyright © 1977 Hope Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 (#24458) or CCLI License # 11033010 (71179). All rights reserved.
More Voices 191 What Can I Do? Words and music: Paul Rumbolt and Michele McCarthy; arr. Alan C. Whitmore, 2005. Words and music copyright © 2005 Paul Rumbolt and Michele McCarthy. Arrangement copyright © 2005 Alan C. Whitmore. Reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 (#82970). All rights reserved.
More Voices 65 When We Are Tested Words: Ruth Duck, 1996; Music: Ruth Watson Henderson, 2006; Alternate tune: SLANE Traditional Irish melody. Words copyright © 1996 Hope Publishing Company. Music copyright © 2006 Ruth Watson Henderson. Alternate tune (VU 642) Copyright: Public domain. All rights reserved. Words reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 (#29480) or CCLI License # 11033010 (7049285). All rights reserved.