St. Columba's Anglican United Church St. Columba's Anglican United Church
St. Columba's Anglican United Church is live
St. Columba Church Port Hardy Sunday Service
Rev. Christine Muise
Rev. Christine Muise
Sunday, June 23, 2024
Order of Service and Hymns

National Indigenous Day of Prayer
(June 21)
June 23, 2024
Anglican Service of the Word

Mission Statement
As followers of Jesus Christ, our church is a community called to love, honour, worship, and serve God. We invite others to share our Christian journey as we grow in faith and engage in ministry in our town and mission in our world.

9190 Granville Street
PO Box 1260, Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Office Phone: 250-949-6247
Wardens: Robert Fyles & Heather Jones
Treasurer: Judy Fyles
Minister: Rev. Christine Muise
Music Ministry: Roldan Yuipco
Video: Ammie Yuipco
Community Partner: Cathie Wilson

~ Leader: regular font
~ All: bold font
~ Sung words: bold italics
~ Asterix* stand as you are able

Welcome and Announcements
Land Acknowledgement & Acknowledgment of War


Call to Worship
There are gifts from each of the peoples in the four directions of the world. ...
we pray. Come, Holy Spirit, come.
We turn to face South. South represents warmth and growth. ...
we pray. Come, Holy Spirit, come.
We turn to face West. ...
we pray. Come, Holy Spirit, come.
We turn to face North. 
we pray. Come, Holy Spirit, come.
We turn to complete the circle and to look: ...
And to the Holy Spirit who inspires us. Come, Holy Spirit, come.
Creator God, You call your Church ... lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God now and forever. Amen.

*Hymn: VU 79 Arise Your Light Has Come

Arise, your light is come!
The Spirit's call obey;
show forth the glory of your God,
which shines on you today.

Arise, your light is come!
Fling wide the prison door;
proclaim the captive’s liberty,
good tidings to the poor.

Arise, your light is come!
All you in sorrow born;
bind up the broken-hearted ones
and comfort those who mourn

Arise, your light is come!
The mountains burst in song!
Rise up like eagles on the wing;
God’s power will make us strong.

Words: Ruth Duck, Music: William H. Walker.


Hutłilala's! Listen deeply as scripture is read the Word proclaimed.
Hebrew Scripture: Isaiah 40: 25-31

Psalm of the Woodlands
As a tree in the forest becomes tall reaching for the light,
May we grow above the shadows of sin, fear and doubt.
As it gives shelter and shade to its friends of fur and feather,
So may we help those brothers and sisters that are smaller and weaker than ourselves.
The tree sends down roots deep into the soil that it may be nourished by Mother Earth.
May we be as firmly grounded by the love of Christ and sustained by his grace.
If a tree falls and decays, it provides nourishment for new plants and gives its place in the sun for others.
Our Lord and Saviour died to make new life and a new place for us.
When a tree in the forest is cut down, its wood is used for shelter and fuel.
Jesus taught that only when life is surrendered, when love is poured out, can we build His Kingdom and reflect the warmth of His spirit.

Epistle: Philippians 4: 4-9

*Hymn: VU 308 Many and Great, O God, Are Your Works

Many and great, O God, are your works,
Maker of earth and sky.
Your hands have set the heavens with stars,
your fingers spread the mountains and plains.
Lo, at your word the waters were formed;
deep seas obey your voice.

Grant unto us communion with you,
O star-abiding one.
Come unto us and dwell with us,
with you are found the gifts of life.
Bless us with life that has no end,
eternal life with you.

Words and music: Dakota hymn (adapted), Joseph R. Renville

May God be with you!
And also with you!
The Holy Gospel of Jesus the Christ according to John.
Glory to you, Christ our Saviour.
*Gospel: John 1: 1-18
The Gospel of Christ.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ

Sermon Reflection

Prayers of the People
PWRDF/ Minute for Mission

Creator and Redeemer, as we approach you in prayer
Make us straight in our paths
Make us straight in our minds
Make us straight in our hearts
Make us straight in our speech
We pray for your community, the Church, the Body of Christ:
(Specific petitions are named.)

Creator, your love is something we must have. We must have it because our spirit feeds upon it. We must have it because without it we become weak and faint. Without love we weaken and our courage fails.

Creator, you declared that love ...
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
For that world we now pray: (Specific petitions are named.)

Great Spirit, we feel you in the buffalo, the moose, in summer, with the mist on the lakes and the blue water, in the cry of the loon. It is beautiful. You tell us heaven is still more beautiful.

Injustice and suffering will be gone. ...
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We remember those who suffer, those in special need: (Specific petitions are named.)

Creator, after the winter and cold and icy winds life again glows ...
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Creator, the faces of the past are like leaves that settle to the ground. They make the earth rich and thick, so that new fruit will come forth every summer.

We give thanks for the wisdom the elders ...
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Finally, let us give thanks: (Specific petitions are named.)

Creator, you saw the world and declared it good. The beauty of the trees, the softness of the air, the fragrance of the grass speaks to us. The summit of the mountain, the thunder of the sky, the rhythm of the sea speaks to us. The faintness of the stars, the freshness of the morning, the dewdrops on the flower speaks to us.
But above all our heart soars for you to speak to us in your Son, our Sibling, Christ, in whose name we offer these prayers. Amen.

Confession and Absolution
We were created from God’s loving heart,... and confess before God and each other the sins that keep us from true friendship with God and with one another.
Creator and loving God, You have searched us out and known us And all that we are is open to you. We confess that we have sinned: We have put up walls between ourselves and you, closing our hearts to your gifts.

We have failed to respect and honor the gifts you have given us in creation, Mother Earth and all living things. We squander the inheritance of generations to come.

We have sinned against each other: We have put up walls between ourselves and our neighbours, giving in to the fear, ignorance and arrogance that make up racism. We have failed to respect the gifts of all your peoples. We have failed to respect the gifts of the four directions.

We have used our power to dominate and our weakness to manipulate; We have evaded responsibility, and failed to confront evil; We have trusted false gods and listened to their promises; We have denied dignity to ourselves and to each other; We have fallen into deep despair. In our despair we have forgotten you, and have gone away from your path.

Forgive us for what we have done when we have hurt others; and forgive those who have hurt us. The ways we have hurt Mother Earth. Give us your blessing and help. Let us walk in your great love; through the great peace maker, your Son, Jesus Amen.


Sharing the Peace
The peace of the Lord be always with you.
And also with you.

*Offertory Hymn:
VU 588 Many Are the Lightbeams

Many are the lightbeams from the one light.
Our one light is Jesus.
Many are the lightbeams from the one light;
we are one in Christ.

Many are the branches of the one tree.
Our one tree is Jesus.
Many are the branches of the one tree;
we are one in Christ.

Many are the gifts given, love is all one.
Love's the gift of Jesus.
Many are the gifts given, love is all one;
we are one in Christ.

Many ways to serve God, the Spirit is one,
servant spirit of Jesus.
Many ways to serve God, the Spirit is one;
we are one in Christ.

Many are the members, the body is one,
members all of Jesus.
Many are the members, the body is one;
we are one in Christ.

English translation David Lewis; Music: Olle Widestrand

*Offering Response:
VU 581 When We Are Living v2

Through all our living, we our fruits must give.
Good works of service are for offering.
When we are giving, or when receiving,
we belong to God; we belong to God.

Prayer over the Gifts 

*The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

*Hymn: MV 145 Draw the Circle Wide

Draw the circle wide.
Draw it wider still.
Let this be our song,
no one stands alone,
standing side by side,
draw the circle wide.

God the still point of the circle,
‘round whom all creation turns;
nothing lost, but held forever,
in God’s gracious arms.

Draw the circle wide.
Draw it wider still.
Let this be our song,
no one stands alone,
standing side by side,
draw the circle wide.

Let our hearts touch far horizons,
so encompass great and small;
let our loving know no borders,
faithful to God’s call.

Draw the circle wide.
Draw it wider still.
Let this be our song,
no one stands alone,
standing side by side,
draw the circle wide.

Let the dreams we dream be larger,
than we’ve ever dreamed before;
let the dream of Christ be in us,
open every door.

Draw the circle wide.
Draw it wider still.
Let this be our song,
no one stands alone,
standing side by side,
draw the circle wide.

Words and music Gordon Light.

The Doxology, Blessing and Dismissal
Glory to God,
whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Glory to God from generation to generation, in the Church and in Christ Jesus, for ever and ever. Amen.

We give thanks this day ... This day and always. Amen.

Go in peace to love and serve our Creator.
Thanks be to God. Amen. Alleluia. Gilakas’la

*Three-fold Amen

Summer Focus: National Truth and Reconciliation Day events
Donations of canned and dried food are always appreciated.

Liturgical Resources:
The Call to Worship is - adapted from the National Native Convocation booklet “Dancing the Dream.” and from Journey from Fisher River: The Story of Stan McKay by Joyce Carlson A Psalm of the Woodlands from the Handbook of the Indigenous Circle July, 1997 Intercessions are adapted from the words of Chief Dan George and other First Nations’ Prayers Confession adapted from Eileen Scully/LAIC with portions adapted from Janet Morley All Desires Known. Blessing and Dismissal adapted from The Holy Eucharist: A Rite for the Native, Indigenous and Aboriginal Peoples of Canada, produced by the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples
The Book of Alternative Services (BAS). Copyright © 1985 by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. All rights reserved. Reproduced under license from ABC Publishing, Anglican Book Centre, a ministry of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, from Anglican Liturgical Library. Further copying is prohibited.

Music Copyright:
Words for hymns reprinted, podcast or streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 or CCLI License # 11033010. All rights reserved.

Voices United 79 Arise, Your Light is Come Words: Ruth Duck, 1974; Music: William H. Walker, 1872; Words copyright © 1992 GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 words (#07293) descant (#VT273). All rights reserved.

Voices United 308 Many and Great, O God are Your Works Words: Dakota hymn, Joseph R. Renville, 1842; paraphrase Philip Frazier 1929, altered. Cree translation and transliteration: Stan McKay 1987; Music: Dakota melody, adapted Joseph R. Renville, 1842. Words (Paraphrase): © Dakota Conference, United Church of Christ. Cree Translation, Music, Adaptation, Harmony: Public Domain. All rights reserved. Reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 (#76960). All rights reserved.

Voices United 588 Many Are the Lightbeams Words: Cyprian of Carthage 252; Swedish para. Anders Frosenson 1972, rev. 1986. English translation David Lewis 1981; Music: Olle Widestrand 1974; arr. Len F. Lythgoe 1983. Words copyright © 1983, 1995 Estate of David Lewis. Music copyright © 1974 Olle Widestrand; Arrangement: © 1995 Len F. Lythgoe. All rights reserved. Reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 (#01706). All rights reserved.

Voices United 581 When We Are Living Verse 2 only English translation verses 2-4 George Lockwood 1987. Music: Spanish melody; harmony Carlton R. Young 1989. Translation and harmony copyright © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House. Reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under CCLI License # 11033010 (4968810) or ONE LICENSE #A-720359 Harmony (#00901) and translation verses 2-4 (#15060). All rights reserved.

More Voices 145 Draw the Circle Wide Words and music: Gordon Light, 1994 Words and music copyright © 1994 Common Cup Company. All rights reserved. Reprinted, streamed and/or podcast with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-720359 (#117657). All rights reserved.